September 19, 2008 - What amazes me about Smallville is that no matter how bad the storylines may get or how tiresome the narrative becomes, there is always this glimmer of hope that pulls us back in year after year. Maybe we're just asking for punishment or our love for future men in tights gets the better of us, but this show keeps us coming back for more. Ok, maybe I'm being a little too harsh, and let's face it, any show that has been around for seven seasons must be doing something right. The Superman universe has a wide range of stories that the series can pull from and even though we are through seven seasons, the potential for another great season is still there.
Here we are again, but this time there have been a few notable cast changes that have genuinely made me excited for this season. Gone are Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) and Lana Lang (Kristen Kreuk). Replacing Lex is Tess Mercer (Cassidy Freeman), a beautiful and hard-edged Luthorcorp executive who is overseeing the estate in Lex's absence. Also, Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley) is now featured in the credits as a series regular. Davis Bloome/Doomsday (Sam Witwer) is also featured in the credits but does not appear in the season premiere.
"Odyssey" starts off with a fairly long recap and then jumps into the story about four weeks after last season's finale. Tess and a team of Luthorcorp employees are searching for Lex, but Green Arrow, Aquaman and Black Canary foil their expedition. It's a great opening sequence that features a decent amount of action and some bad special effects that Smallville is well known for.
In classic season premiere style, the story jumps from character to character, revealing what has happened to them over the course of the last few weeks. Chloe's predicament is the most interesting as we discover she's being held against her will by Department of Domestic Security (DDS) agents. Well, we eventually discover that they aren't DDS agents but a band of Luthorcorp employees who are exploiting Chloe's newfound ability. This new ability is the most intriguing development to come out of this episode. Last season, Chloe had a run in with Brainiac and it now appears that some of his abilities may have transferred into her. She is now able to decipher complex code at a lightning fast pace. This is a far more appropriate ability for Chloe than that healing power which she seems to have lost for now.
We catch up with Clark in Russia and, guess what, he's lost his powers – again. Apparently this was Jor-El's way of keeping him under control. Hopefully this is the last time Clark becomes "human" because we've seen this gimmick used a couple of other times and it has become tiresome. Without his powers, Clark is held captive by a bunch of Russian thugs until Oliver shows up to bail him out.
- The CW
From here, the episode moves at a fast pace until the thirty-minute mark and is actually pretty exciting. The use of Moira Sullivan's spinal fluid as a mind control serum was a great touch and turns friend against friend. Chloe is used to track down Aquaman and Black Canary who are captured while Green Arrow is turned against Clark. This leads to a climactic moment when Oliver fires an arrow right through Clark's heart. Clark's life flashes before his eyes in a serviceable montage of the series thus far. Of course, the star of the show can't die and thankfully Martian Manhunter shows up, flies him towards the sun, which miraculously restores his powers. Yes, this is a little convenient, but far better than having Clark run around without his powers for the first few episodes of the season. While having the sun strip Manhunter of his powers was disappointing, it does fit into the DC universe as he does have a weakness to fire and intense heat. The sun would essentially be a giant ball of Kryptonite for him.
With Chloe saved and Clark's powers back, the episode concludes with a rather long epilogue. Chloe reunites with Jimmy and she says yes to his marriage proposal. This relationship grew tedious by the end of last season and I think this could be a sore point of this year as well. Clark and the rest of the Justice League meet and discuss the disappearance of Lex, each agreeing to continue searching for him. Finally, Clark agrees to take a job at the Daily Planet. This is the second biggest development of the episode and while the way it happens doesn't fit into the classic Superman mythos, it is welcome additions to the SMALLVILLE in Universe. Now all we need are the glassess.
(smallvilles season 8 preview
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Smallville: "Odyssey" Review The Justice League returns! by Chris Carabott
Posted by
Agustian Syafran
9:01 PM
Labels: Movie
Koneksi Handphone denga PC Windows Xp melalui Kabel Data For Indosat GSM
Langkah-langahnya sebagai berikut :
Masuk ke menu Control Panel.
Pilih System -> Hardware -> Device manager -> Modem ( lihat Nama Modem yang terdetect/ terinstal missal : Nokia N73 bps Modem Com 4) -> close
back to Control panel
Pilih Phone And Modem -> Modem -> Pilih Modem yang dudah terinstall tadi
Tekan Peroperties
Pilih Diagnostics
Tekan Query Modem (pastikan bahwa proses query telah sukses)
Setelah itu pilih Advanced
Masukan Extra Settings : AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”indosatgprs”
Tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start ->programs->Accessories -> Comunication -> Network Connection
Pilih Create a new connection
Akan muncul tampilan New Connectioan Wizard
Tekan Next
Pilih Connect to the Internet
Tekan Next
Pilih Set up my connection manually
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Pilih Connect using a dial-up modem
Tekan Next
Isi Phone number : *99***1#
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Pilih Create this connection for : Anyone’s use
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User name : indosat dan password : indosat (untuk yang per kilo byte)
User name : indosat @durasi dan password : indosat@durasi (untuk yang permenit)
Tekan Next
Beri tanda (√ ) pada Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop
Tekan Finish
Note :
Pastikan semu telah tertulis denga benar… terutama untuk penulisan extra setting.
-----Semoga berhasil----- Hd
Sumber : Indosat
Tulisan ini adalah kiriman dari mas Hadi yang berdomisili di palembang, semoga artikel ini dapat membantu teman-teman yang lain.
Labels: Tips_Trik
Posted by
Agustian Syafran
7:52 PM
Cara Membuat Kotak Ngoceh (Shout Box)
Kotak ngoceh atau istilah lainnya shout box, Say Box, Tag Board, dan Chatter Box adalah suatu kotak yang berfungsi untuk mengirimkan pesan-pesan pendek, namun bisa juga berfungsi sebagai tempat ngobrol (chatting). Dengan shoutbox, kita juga bisa mempromosikan blog kita, misalnya nih, kita datangi blog orang yang menyediakan kotak ini kemudian kita kasih komentar atau cuma sekedar salam di shoutbox mereka, lalu yang punya blog akan melihat di shoutbox, biasanya meraka akan balas mengunjungi blog kita. Nha gitu ceritannya. Biasanya kotak ngoceh diselipkan kedalam halaman web/blog dengan bahasa java Script. Bagi kamu yang jago pemrograman java script mungkin bisa membuatnya sendiri dengan membuat kode-kode yang memusingkan kepala. Namun buat kamu yang nggak jago nggak usah kuatir karena sekarang ini banyak situs internet yang menyediakan layanan ini, salah satunya yaitu Shoutmix . Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Buka situs Shoutmix Kamu harus mendaftar di situs tersebut, cara daftarnya gampang kok.
2. Jika pendaftarannya berhasil kamu langsung disuruh milih type shoutbox yang disediakan, terserah kamu milih bentuknya yang gimana. Klik tombol Continue
3. Setelah itu kamu akan mendapat ucapan "Terima Kasih" lalu klik link Go to My Control Panel Now
4. Disitu kamu bisa mensetting terlebih dahulu shoutbox kamu, misalnya Style & Color, Date & Time, dan lain-lain.
5. Jika sudah selesai klik menu Get Codes
6. Jika kamu pingin menaruh shoutbox di blog kamu pilih "Place Shoutbox on Webpage"
7. Atur lebar dan tinggi shoutbox di kolom widht dan hight
8. Kemudian Copy kode yang ada di dalam kotak "generated Codes"
9. Login ke lalu pilih Layout kemudian Add Page Elements
11. Tambahkan element HTML/Javascript.
12. Paste Kode yang telah kamu copy dari tadi di kotak "Content" lalu simpan.
13. Jadi deh.....
Posted by
Agustian Syafran
12:55 AM
Labels: Tips and Trix
Alex : Ini Kemenangan Rakyat SumSel

BEGITU dinyatakan menang oleh lembaga survei, Alex Noerdin langsung kebanjiran ucapan selamat. Pantauan koran ini di kediaman Alex Noerdin, arus lalu lintas di kawasan Jalan Merdeka sedikit macet. Hal ini terjadi karena banyaknya kendaraan pribadi yang parkir di badan jalan. Bahkan, puluhan aparat kepolisian terlihat sibuk mengatur lalu lintas dua arah tersebut.
Selain membuat jalan Merdeka macet karena ratusan pendukungnya berkumpul, di kediaman Alex juga sudah banyak karangan bunga dari kerabat dan kolega yang mengucapkan kemenangan pasangan Aldy pada Pilkada Sumatera Selatan.
Juga terlihat ratusan massa dan beberapa pimpinan partai politik seperti Ketua DPW PBB Sumsel Junial Komar, Ketua DPW PBR Sumsel Fauzi Amro, serta pimpinan parpol lainnya. Di kerumunan massa juga tampak beberapa penjabat pemrov seperti kadishubkominfo Sarimuda dan Abdul Shobur.
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Alex Noerdin yang didampingi istri dan anaknya juga sempat melakukan konfrensi pers terkait hasil quick count yang memenangkan dirinya dan Eddy Yusuf. ”Ini bukan kemenangan saya tetapi kemenangan rakyat Sumsel, ” ujarnya.
Alex juga menyatakan akan segera melaksanakan program yang selama ini ia tawarkan. Disinggung tentang pejabat yang telah mengucapkan selamat, Alex mengaku sudah cukup banyak termasuk Wakil Presiden Yusuf Kalla.
Alex juga menambahkan kemenangan ini merupakan kebangkitan Partai Golkar, karena di beberapa daerah mengalami kekalahan. ”Seperti yang pernah saya sampaikan kekalahan yang selama ini dialami Golkar, terjadi karena kesalahan mencari figur yang akan diusung, bukan kekalahan golkar sepenuhnya, ” terangnya.
Mengenai kemungkian akan melakukan upaya hukum terhadap pelanggaran yang terjadi, Alex mengaku tidak akan melakukannya. ”Seperti yang saya katakan, lupakan yang lalu, mari kita lihat kedepan untuk membangun Sumsel,” tegasnya.
Sementara itu, istri Alex Noerdin, Eliza Alex Noerdin mengatakan dia merasa haru setelah melihat hasil quick count secara langsung. “Rasanya ini perjuangan yang sangat berat. Saya mengucapkan syukur kepala Allah, Alhamdullah saya tidak deg-gegan (saat melihat hasil quick count) tapi saya yakin saja. Alhamdullillah saya diberi kekuatan dan tidak pernah stress,” imbuhnya.
++Rayakan Kemenangan++
Seperti sejak sore harinya, tadi malam di kediaman Alex Noerdin Jalan Merdeka, nuansa kegembiraan pendukung pasangan calon yang dimenangkan oleh Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI) itu sangat kental terasa.
Hidup Aldy, hidup kemenangan rakyat Sumsel. Yel-yel tersebut terus menggema oleh ratusan simpatisan Aldy. Selain meneriakan yel yel karangan bunga pertanda ucapan kemenangan juga memenuhi seantero halaman rumah Alex Noerdin.
Dari dari ramainya simpatisan yang datang ke kediaman Alex Noerdin ini, jalan Merdeka tepatnya di depan Akper Depkes Palembang macet total. Kondisi ini membuat sibuk aparat keamanan untuk menertibkan jalan.
Namun kondisi ini tidak membuat simpatisan Aldy, bingung justru mereka tambah berupaya untuk merayakan kemenangan. (ace/sep)
Sumber : Harian Bisnis Radar
Posted by
Agustian Syafran
3:55 PM
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